What they’re saying

“This was so powerful and touching. Absolutely the highlight of the conference. I was left speechless by how these stories made me feel.” 

Participant from the International Palliative Care Congress in Montreal , Canada

“Loved this!!! Gives me ideas of how I can implement something similar! What an experience!!!”  

“This was the most meaningful component of the conference... I wish there were more opportunities like this. The facilitators did an incredible job of setting the tone and creating a safe/brave space. I loved the invitation for all to react and speak, and to step forward and back as a listener/ respondent. Thank you, thank you!”  

“This was a validating, freeing and powerful experience.”

Participant from MSK 4th Annual World Hospice and Palliative Care Celebration Day

“I felt such a strong sense of collegiality and connection with my peers that I didn't know was possible over a zoom call! Thanks so much.”

Participant from the Ariadne Serious Illness Care Summit

“Hearing stories, made me realize one thing, in whichever part you live (I am from India), the sentiments, the essence , human values , the experiences are same. we all need one common thing; "care " and '' to be seen''. irrespective of different countries, ethnicities.”

Participant from the Memorial Sloan Kettering 4th Annual Celebration of World Hospice & Palliative Care Day

“It was a very therapeutic experience, and an opportunity for added closure for me, for my recent patient experience.”

Participants from MSK 4th Annual Celebration of World Hospice and Palliative Care Day