Upcoming & Past Story Exchanges

Upcoming Events

UCSF Division of Palliative Medicine

Grand Rounds | August 15, 2024

8:30am PST

Closed event

McGill International Palliative Care Congress | Toronto, Canada

Invited Workshop | October 17, 2024

6:00pm EST

Registration is forthcoming!

5th Annual Memorial Sloan Kettering World Hospice & Palliative Care Day of Celebration

Closing Plenary | October 1, 2024

4:30pm EST

Register here to attend virtually!

AAHPM Annual Assembly | Denver, CO

Invited Concurrent Session | February 7, 2025

1:00pm MT

Registration is forthcoming!

Past Events

  • Social Work Hospice and Palliative Care (SWHPN)

    April 2024

    National Conference Plenary

    121 Participants

  • 2nd International Palliatve Story Exchange

    December 2023

    50+ Participants

  • Memorial Sloan Kettering 4th Annual Celebration of World Hospice & Palliative Care Day

    October 2023

    700+ Particiants

  • University Health Network Palliative Care Fellowship Program, Toronto

    March 2023 & March 2024

    15+ Fellows and Faculty

  • Ariadne Serious Illness Care Program Summit

    June 2023

    150 Participants

  • Mass General Hospital & Dana Farber Cancer Institute

    Quarterly Starting June 2020

    300 Participants & Counting

  • McGill International Palliative Care Congress, Montreal

    October 2022

    30+ Participants